Monday, May 16, 2011

Lesson 16: We Can Show Our Faith by Being Obedient

"Suppose that one day your father told you and your family that you were going on a journey. However, he did not know how long you would be gone or where you would be going. You would take only food and tents, and you would have no map to guide you. Would you be willing to follow your father? It would take great faith for you to agree to do what your father asked. Faith is one of the first principles of the gospel.

Read about Lehi’s journey to the promised land in 1 Nephi in the Book of Mormon. Heavenly Father guided Lehi’s family with a strange ball called the Liahona. This ball was a kind of compass that worked according to the faith and obedience of Lehi and his family. When they were obedient, the spindles pointed in the direction that they were to travel and to places where they could find food. Writing would also appear on the Liahona to give them additional help. But when they were not faithful, or when they complained and quarreled, the Liahona would not work.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful to have a Liahona to tell us the things that we should do every day? We are told that our conscience can be compared to the Liahona and that our conscience can help us find the right way to live, according to our faith and our obedience to Heavenly Father’s commandments."

BY PAT GRAHAM in Friend Magazine June 1987

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