Friday, May 20, 2011

Lesson 18:Heavenly Father Helps Us Obey His Commandments

"Nephi wrote down the things that happened to him and his family. We can read his history in the Book of Mormon. One of the things he told about was how he was blessed while he built a ship as the Lord had commanded him.

Nephi and his family had been journeying in the wilderness for eight years. When they kept the commandments, the Lord blessed them, and they were able to find food and had health and strength.

One day the voice of the Lord said to Nephi, “Arise, and get thee into the mountain” (1 Ne. 17:7). Nephi obeyed, and the Lord told him there, “Thou shalt construct a ship, after the manner which I shall show thee, that I may carry thy people across these waters” (1 Ne. 17:8).

Nephi did not know how to build a ship, nor did he have the tools to do it. But he knew that the Lord had told him to do it, and he “did strive to keep the commandments of the Lord” (1 Ne. 17:15).

Nephi prayed for guidance. The Lord told him where to find ore to make tools and gave him instructions on how to build the ship. Nephi’s brothers, Laman and Lemuel, didn’t think he could do it, and they refused to help him. “Our brother is a fool,” they said, “for he thinketh that he can build a ship; yea, and he also thinketh that he can cross these great waters” (1 Ne. 17:17).

Nephi told Laman and Lemuel that God had commanded him to build the ship and that He would help them to do it. He reminded them of the many times the Lord had already helped them.

But Laman and Lemuel only got angry and wanted to throw Nephi into the ocean. As they tried to grab him, he said, “In the name of the Almighty God, I command you that ye touch me not … ; and whoso shall lay his hands upon me shall wither even as a dried reed” (1 Ne. 17:48).

Laman and Lemuel were so frightened that they didn’t dare touch Nephi. After many days had passed, the Lord told Nephi to “Stretch forth thine hand again to thy brethren” (1 Ne. 17:53). When he did so, they were shaken by the power of the Lord. Laman and Lemuel then knew that the Lord had commanded Nephi to build the ship, and they began to help him. When the ship was finished, they put all the things needed for the journey into the ship. Then they sailed for the promised land.

God helped Nephi and his people obey the commandment to build the ship. He showed them how to make tools and how to build the ship. When they did as the Lord directed, they felt reverence for Heavenly Father and for one another.

The Lord has commanded us to be honest, to go to church, to be kind, to pay our tithing, and to do many other things. As we pray for his help in keeping his commandments, he will give us the courage and direction we need. When we obey his commandments, we will have a reverent feeling for Heavenly Father and Jesus."

By Virginia Pearce Friend Magazine March 1992

Monday, May 16, 2011

Lesson 17: We Believe the Book of Mormon to Be the Word of God

"Because Heavenly Father and Jesus love you, they gave you the scriptures so that you can learn about the gospel and how to live it. The word scripture means a “holy writing.” When we read the scriptures, we learn what Heavenly Father expects of us, what he will do if we obey him, and what will happen if we disobey him. The four books that members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints accept as scripture are the Bible, the Book of Mormon, the Doctrine and Covenants, and the Pearl of Great Price. The inspired words of our living prophets are also accepted as scripture (see A of F 1:9).

The word Bible means “sacred book.” The Bible is divided into two sections—the Old Testament and the New Testament. The Old Testament foretells the coming of our Savior, Jesus Christ, and records the Lord’s dealings with men before his birth. The New Testament tells about the life of Jesus when he was on the earth and about the Apostles he chose to lead his early church.

The Book of Mormon is about some of the people who were led anciently to the Americas and about the Savior’s visit to them soon after he was resurrected.

The Doctrine and Covenants contains revelations received by the Prophet Joseph Smith and others for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints today. These scriptures teach us about principles and ordinances of the gospel such as baptism (D&C 20:72–74), the sacrament (D&C 20:75–79), and the law of tithing (D&C 119:3–4).

The Pearl of Great Price tells about our premortal life, the Creation, the purpose of life, and the last days. Joseph Smith’s story and the Articles of Faith are also found in the Pearl of Great Price.

Our scriptures contain some of the most exciting stories ever written, and the best part of all is that these stories are true!"

By Karen Lofgreen Friend Magazine August 1995

Lesson 16: We Can Show Our Faith by Being Obedient

"Suppose that one day your father told you and your family that you were going on a journey. However, he did not know how long you would be gone or where you would be going. You would take only food and tents, and you would have no map to guide you. Would you be willing to follow your father? It would take great faith for you to agree to do what your father asked. Faith is one of the first principles of the gospel.

Read about Lehi’s journey to the promised land in 1 Nephi in the Book of Mormon. Heavenly Father guided Lehi’s family with a strange ball called the Liahona. This ball was a kind of compass that worked according to the faith and obedience of Lehi and his family. When they were obedient, the spindles pointed in the direction that they were to travel and to places where they could find food. Writing would also appear on the Liahona to give them additional help. But when they were not faithful, or when they complained and quarreled, the Liahona would not work.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful to have a Liahona to tell us the things that we should do every day? We are told that our conscience can be compared to the Liahona and that our conscience can help us find the right way to live, according to our faith and our obedience to Heavenly Father’s commandments."

BY PAT GRAHAM in Friend Magazine June 1987